Datascape releases!

Datascape finally released on October 10th, 2022 after threeish years of development. Keeping track of my time spent working on it came to a total of 750 hours. This tracks the total time I spent actively coding, not taking breaks or thinking about it in the shower. Most of the game was finished in the summer of 2020. I learned I work in waves, some months I would put in 16 hours a day others I would only work for 4 hours a week. This last year not much gameplay was made and it focused on polishing the playing experience, finally caving and making a tutorial, dealing with input binding (what a nightmare) and building on Mac & Linux.

I am very happy that the game finally released. There has been a few times where I felt done with the project and loathed touching it again. But now that its out in the wild, I am happy.